Ch. Shadetree's Place Your Bets at Swallowfield RN NAP TKI
DOB 1/20/17, Ch. Shadetree's Mario Twist x Ch. Shadetree's Next Sensation (who is by Todd)
OFA Hips Good, Elbows normal, Shoulders Normal
P2Y12 normal
Passing eyes (few distichia, none that are affecting her eyes but will not be bred to male with distichia)
Betsy was bred by Cathy Cooper of Shadetree Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs.
Betsy is just an easy lovely dog. She got her Championship with very little showing and we are starting to do obedience and agility classes. She is an excellent farm dog, loves to run, play and is very willing. She is big- 109 lbs, 26.5 inches tall and fit as a fiddle. She loves training and is happy to do whatever I have in mind. She is the best guard dog of my bunch and pays attention to her surroundings. She loves people of all sizes and someday I will do therapy work with her because she would excel. She is very energetic and is a wonderful mother. She's sweet, goofy and loves to play with the other dogs.
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Ch Shadetree's Mario Twist
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Shadetree's Place Your Bets at Swallowfield
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Ch Sennenhund Rossii International Sensation RE
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Ch Shadetree's Next Sensation
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